About Us.

Welcome to Friendship Lab.

Our Mission.

"Who can you call at 2am when everything has gone wrong?" That was the question that jolted Friendship Lab founder Sheridan Voysey out of his own relational complacency years ago. Little did he know it would help catalyse the first non-profit organisation dedicated to adult friendship. 

Our mission is to empower adults with the wisdom and skills to make their friendships thrive and our dream is to see every adult have at least three '2am friends'.  If you're looking for deeper connections, you're in the right place. Come and join us.

We Need a Friendship Revolution.

Adult friendship is our most overlooked relationship and its neglect is causing a wellbeing crisis. But together, we can change that.

In the UK, US, Australia and beyond, more than 20% of us have no close friends, 51% of us find making new friends hard, and 40% of us want to get closer to our friends but don't know how. Why is adult friendship so hard?

Busyness and smart phone isolation play a part. But a greater reason is neglect. Friend-making is a skill no one teaches us, and popular culture typically ignores friendship for romance. It's time to get intentional about this foundational bond. Research shows that those who do are in a better place to have:

  • Lower anxiety and depression

  • Greater meaning and joy

  • Reduced risk of heart disease

  • Stronger marriages

  • Even seven years longer lifespans!


Our Story.

Friendship Lab began in 2019, when Sheridan Voysey began research to write a book on adult friendship. Then a series of events moved the project to become so much more.

The first event was when BBC Radio 2 made Sheridan Creative Lead of its Friendship Season, touching 13 million listeners, and the second was a small article he wrote for The Times. The response to both proved that the need for friendship guidance was great and more than a book was needed to address the problem.

Drawing on his social science research and enlisting the help of other professionals, Sheridan turned his focus to creating an evidence-based course, which was piloted in April-May 2023 with 80 participants in four countries and Dr Amanda Berlan from the University of Leicester assessing its impact. The results were significant, with participants not only seeing their friendships transformed but increases in their social confidence, self esteem, and other wellbeing measures.

Today we're rolling out the Friendship Lab Course in multiple formats to individuals and organisations, to see a friendship revolution counter the world's loneliness crisis.

What We Do.

Courses and Training

We provide empowering, evidence-based courses and training to individuals, groups and workplaces that help adults make their friendships thrive.

Media and Speaking

We provide thought leadership to the media and at conferences, championing adult friendship and offering solutions to the loneliness crisis.


We contribute to the public conversation by collaborating on original research and making secondary research accessible and actionable.

Meet the Team.


Sheridan Voysey

Founder & CEO


As the chief steward of our mission and vision, Sheridan leads Friendship Lab and its many exciting projects.

Sheridan brings 30 years of media and personal development experience to our work. The author of nine books, he has featured in numerous TV, radio and print outlets worldwide, including BBC News, the ABC, CBC Canada, The Times, and the Sunday Telegraph. He is a presenter of Pause for Thought on BBC Radio 2’s Breakfast Show and was the creative lead on Radio 2’s Friendship Season. He has delivered keynote speeches on four continents and speaks at events around the world.

“What thrills me most about Friendship Lab,” he says, “is the impact we’re seeing in people’s lives. I get to work with an amazing team doing work that truly matters, helping people flourish in their relational and emotional lives.” 

A perfect weekend for Sheridan would include a seaside walk with his wife Merryn, dog Rupert, and friends; a visit to a modern art gallery, an afternoon journalling in a café or cosy English pub, and time for his much-neglected hobby of photography.


Gemma Hunt

Course Co-Host


Gemma brings her warmth and skills to the Friendship Lab project by co-hosting our flagship course, Friendship Lab On Demand.

Passionate about spending quality time with people, Gemma was delighted to join Friendship Lab to help others discover how they too can share in lifelong, meaningful friendships.

Gemma started her career in television in 2003 and hasn’t left our screens since. Those with children may have seen her presenting on CBBC or more recently on CBeebies on the pirate themed game show “Swashbuckle.” Gemma is on the presenting team for Songs of Praise and recently co-hosted The Caravan Show on Channel 5 alongside Rufus Hound. As well as thousands of hours on TV Gemma can also be found hosting at festivals and running Confident Communication Coaching workshops. As if that wasn’t enough, she is a published author of children’s books in the “See! Let’s Be” series with more books on the way.

Gemma loves cooking and is well known for making fudge, although doesn’t eat much of it herself. But she does love a Friday movie night with her husband and daughter with a large selection of popcorn, sweets, chocolate, crisps, and nuts!


Lois Fulton

Trustee & Strategy Lead


As our Strategy Lead, Lois helps us clarify and focus on our most important goals so we can have the greatest impact in each season. 

Professionally, Lois is a Strategic Change Planning Consultant, supporting organisations to achieve ambitious transformations which enable growth and (crucially) take their people on the journey with them. Currently working for Oxford University, Lois has worked in education, health, technology and commercial sectors, and has a particular passion for building healthy working cultures that ensure organisations are both successful and joyful. 

"What makes me most excited about Friendship Lab," she says, "is the sheer number of people who tell us how much they need it. Getting to be part of building something truly special that will make such a difference to peoples lives - there's no buzz like it!"

Lois spends a lot of her time chasing after two toddlers and getting their snacks stuck to her socks. When she isn't doing that, she loves to write, paint her nails, and watch formulaic crime dramas.


Hannah Latham

Trustee & Operations Lead


Hannah helps turn Friendship Lab's visions and plans into reality by shaping the processes and systems that run everything behind the scenes. She’s a genius at making complex things work!

Professionally, Hannah works in Product Management which involves leading the design and development of software products. Across her career she has helped keep jet engines flying safely, enabled whistleblowing reporting for the Beijing Olympics, and created software to help the UK government manage the Covid-19 pandemic. Outside of work Hannah has been volunteering with a wide range of charities for more than twenty years. She is the founder and Event Director of Alvaston Parkrun in Derby and volunteers weekly at her local foodbank. 

"So many people tell me they're lonely," Hannah says. "It's a joy to be empowering people to change that. The Friendship Lab concept really resonated with me and I love how often it resonates with others when I talk about it."   

Hannah was part of a Guinness World Record-winning group crochet event and is currently endeavouring to make a crochet aquarium for her loungeroom. Other hobbies include growing crazy vegetables, hosting dinner parties, and visiting the mountains with friends. 


Mike Poulton

Trustee Chair & Finance Lead


Mike looks after the day-to-day finances of Friendship Lab, managing income, mapping expenses, and being our resident master of P&L sheets. 

Mike brings over 40 years experience in charity finance and administration to this role, in both the UK context and overseas. 

Asked why he dedicates his time and talents to Friendship Lab, Mike says “Friendship Lab is such an exciting project, helping people to make and sustain friendships. It’s needed so much in our society today!”

Mike is married to Cath and friendships are an important part of their lives. For them, time with each other and those they love is time well spent.

Board of Reference

Ben Dodd, Director, Risen Consulting
Sophie Duncan, Co-Director, National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Dr. Carol Brown, Sen. Lecturer in Psychology & Education, Oxford Brookes University
Dr. Simon Jackman, Sen. Innovation Fellow, University of Oxford
David McIlroy, Barrister at law, Forum Chambers
Prof. Merryn Voysey, Professor of Statistics, University of Oxford

Our Distinctives.

We are Relational
We seek to embody the friendship principles we teach, welcoming all in a spirit of hospitality, listening well, being dependable in our commitments, helping others to grow, and fostering joy in all we do.
We are Credible
We are evidence-based, drawing on quality social science. And we are wisdom-shaped, mining insights from the arts, philosophy, and theology. Planted in the rich soil of our Christian ethos, we stay congruent with this grounding while serving those of all faiths and none.
We Are Empowering
While other excellent organisations help the community move towards the individual, we empower the individual to move towards the world. We work to de-stigmatise loneliness (recognising it affects us all), promote learning through action, and provide our courses at price points accessible to all.

Subscribe for FREE Friendship Tools.

Friendship Lab is an exciting new project to make your friendships thrive. Stay up to date with its progress by joining our newsletter. Your first email will contain two of our most impactful tools, From Small Talk to Big Talk and the Friendship Audit tool to map your current relationships.

Support Us

Friendship Lab is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England. Registration number 1206905